Tristan Arts Online

Tristan Arts is a music education software and record label company. The educational aspect of Tristan Arts is dedicated to teaching college students and younger people about classical music and the arts. Founded in 2004, Tristan Arts provides digital programs for learning orchestration, music history, and the arts.

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Multimedia Orchestration is the premiere digital program to learn how to write for the instruments of the orchestra, ideal for students of orchestration and composition. It features videos of professional instrumentalists playing articulation and repertoire examples with scrolling music, in-depth text, and graphical examples. It is geared both as an online reference for students as well as for in-class study of the instruments.

Stephen Whitehead, founder and president of Tristan Arts, has a Master’s Degree in Composition from California State University at Northridge in 1999. He developed Multimedia Orchestration basing it on his own academic studies of composition and orchestration. He geared the program to be an in-depth yet accessible digital reference for the study of orchestration and composition. Most recently he orchestrated Monteverdi’s Vespers for performances by the Bay Area Musical Harmonies, with recordings to be available on CD and download by early 2019. Mr. Whitehead is a composer including chamber and orchestral works. His orchestral compositions include Dracula: An Orchestral Thriller, Three Laments on the Great War, and Homage to Gloriana: An Elizabethan Tone Poem.

For more information about Multimedia Orchestration and other Tristan Arts products, e-mail For other Tristan Arts products and news, visit